reach out; we like to talk.
drop us a line
Maybe you want a custom badge for your rig. Maybe you want to keep your 4x4 in 4-low when you are wheeling. Or maybe you have a custom gauge idea and don’t know where to start. Whatever it is, chances are that we can help.
We do enjoy the challenges of taking on custom jobs, but we are still deciphering the proper architectural methods to pull this off in a way that doesn’t drag jobs out for months. In the meantime, if you have questions about custom gigs, use the form below. All we ask is to be clear so we can provide the best means of help in your situation.
Just do us a solid and and make sure you check out our FAQ page to see if there is an answer there.
Also, there is information about vehicles we do, too.
The overlords at Google require an email printed on the contact page, although multiple methods of contact are in the footer.
So, in response, we’ve applied an email here to appease the almighty Goo-gel, the internet Troll.
Just a head’s-up, we don’t like spam emails—that takes away from customers who would actually have a question / concern, so that’s why we use a contact form. This email link does not get answered, but we do answer stuff submitted via the contact form.
Use the damn contact form, you weirdo.
3592 Washington Avenue
Finleyville, PA