…and those other dudes…
President and founder of Azzy's Design Works, he is a designer, inventor, and all round tinkerer. Drawing from a 20+ year background of graphic and product design—you've probably seen his work in VA Hospitals around the country, as well as in the Library of Congress—he extended his passion for tinkering to a ‘96 Jeep Cherokee XJ, and that led one thing to another... and Azzy’s Design Works was born!
Current crop of vehicles: ‘01 4WD Cherokee XJ | ‘06 Ram 1500 | BMW R1100GS motorcycle, and stewardship of a restored ‘80 Honda CM400A.
Just some guy who stumbled in to Azzy’s shop one day. He never left, so they gave him a job. He never shuts up about the intricacies of Iroquois architecture pre Viking incursions. Usually can be found making some snide remark about current weather conditions that can be misconstrued as irony.
When not hawking our wares, he likes to play with wood. Get your head out of the gutter. He uses his super powers to create guitars in his hobbit-hole of a basement.
Current fleet of vehicles: ‘11 Ferd Ronger, ‘13 DTI Wagon, ‘08 Zuki GS650F, Max RPM workshop stool