We’ve got you covered.
You can find an answer to your burning questions here, along with other materials like install manuals and video links.
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Gauge FAQ | Gauge Install FAQ | Linkage FAQ | Linkage Install FAQ | Install Documentation | Install Videos | Sponsorships
gauge faq
A listing of the most common gauge questions; click on the question to expand content.
We are a manufacturer of these gauges, so please allow 7-10 business days after the notification of fulfillment so we can make it!
+ Are These Stickers?
+ How Do I Know What I Need?
+ Do I need to change my lights? LED Swap?
+ Just Jeep®?
+ Do you make metric gauges?
+ I Have a '97 TJ. Make a gauge kit for my Jeep®?
+ What about YJ Wranglers?
+ What about Grand Cherokees (ZJ / WJ)?
+ How come the older Cherokee gauges are cheaper than other models?
+ Can you add sensor displays?
+ I don’t see a particular style on your site?
+ Can you put a photo of my kids / dog in the gauge cluster?
+ I have a Star Wars themed Jeep®, can you do a custom with the ___ logo on it?
+ Can you do up a couple designs with (insert idea here) and I’ll pick one if I like it?
gauge install faq
A listing of the most common gauge installation questions; click on the question to expand content.
We offer install and troubleshooting videos, therefore, we will not reimburse or reprint any gauges due to not contacting us and sourcing other install references and destroying your kit.
It is the same as working on a ‘51 Packard 300 Sedan and watching install videos for a 2020 Kia Sportage—use your head.
+ how do the needles come out on jeep jk/u clusters?
+ do you make / offer new cluster needles?
+ how long does it take to swap out my jk/u gauge face?
linkages faq
A listing of the most common transfer case linkage questions; click on the question to expand content.
+ Will your Xj linkage fit my Cherokee? It has a lift...?
+ Will the XJ kit work with a transfer case drop?
+ I have a 242 transfer case; will this kit work?
+ Will the XJ kit work with my Comanche?
+ Will the XJ kit work on a TJ?
+ Will this work with a tummy tuck / clocked transfer cases?
+ Will this work with a 2 Low or TeraLow kit?
linkages install faq
A listing of the most common transfer case linkage install questions; click on the question to expand content.
We offer install and troubleshooting videos, therefore, we will not reimburse or replace any linkages due to not contacting us and sourcing other install references and destroying your kit.
It is the same as working on a ‘51 Packard 300 Sedan and watching install videos for a 2020 Kia Sportage—use your head.
+ I installed the XJ kit and the plates are too close!
+ I installed the TJ kit and the plates are too close!
+ What size is the adjustment rod? I lost mine.
+ I hear a rattle at idle coming from my 4x4 lever, is this normal?
+ My TJ or YJ needs a bit more throw to get to 4L.
install documents
transfer case linkage install directions
Rear upper shock mount install directions
badge application install direction
Thanks to Raffi at KSuspension, he made a good install video of our product and was able to address some of the common problems and questions people have when customizing their Jeeps®.
Cherokee (XJ) transfer case linkage too long?
This is for helping people who have one of our transfer case linkage kits and have encountered issues with the cab lever angle on install.
install of 07-18 jk/u gauge face kit
Quick install video reference before you tackle the job of doing it yourself.
jk/u gauge face swap troubleshoot
Here we have a 16 JKU gauge cluster, with a custom Azzy's Design Works back plate, made for JC Whitney. There were some quirks with it, so we did a video on things you can troubleshoot, too.
88-96 Jeep Cherokee gauge face install
Super quick video showing our current version of the highest quality gauge face kits you can get for your 88-96 Jeep® Cherokee.
does azzy’s do sponsorships?
And by that we mean that you pay us for a part and we’ll gladly send you a TEAM ADW sticker that you can plaster on the side of your rig and lie to everyone and say we gave you the part for free—you know, like everyone else.